With this statement, we condemn the boycott and the cancelling that have been exercised over our feminist sister Juana Gallego, who is a writer and a professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, by her students of the Master of Gender and Communication, that she created and in which she teaches. Before the beginning of the lessons and, therefore, not having listened to or had any previous interaction with the professor, the students’ delegates informed the master’s coordinator about their decision of boycotting her classes because of the ideas she shares in the media or her blog.
The feminist movement is already being persecuted in Spain, despite the “trans law” that the government prepared has not been passed yet. This law establishes fines, penalties, and revocation of licenses to those who dare disagree basing themselves on scientific criteria and professional ethics, as well as the withdrawal of the custody and disciplinary actions for risk and neglect to the family and legal tutors of underage young people. It is a gag law that justifies the defamation, silencing, cancelling and the ideological and political persecution of feminists because we point out the truth about the queer doctrine and transgenderism. Historical feminists such as Lidia Falcón, feminist writers like Lucía Etxebarría, and feminist professionals like Carola López Moya, have suffered and are suffering abandonment and institutional harassment that cannot have a place within the rule of law.
For all this to seem acceptable, neoliberal patriarchy has been injecting its propaganda within youth for years, through the land, air, and sea, with institutional, financial and media support. It has infiltrated the feminist movement to neutralise it from the inside. It has dehumanised and stigmatised feminists. All in all, it has taken advantage of the weakness of the left, which is sunk into the postmodern politics of the identities and it is increasingly incapable of understanding all the political dimensions of the global market.
The assault on the universities started some time ago, and the present generations of students and a large number of teachers are now the ones who blindly reproduce their dogmas and antidemocratic strategies. The corruption of the objectives and the functions of the Equality Units and Observatories, which were created to work in the promotion of women in the institutions of higher education, reveals the level of ideological penetration of the neoliberal patriarchy through the queer doctrine and transactivism.
The 2021 DoFemCo Conference, celebrated last November, revealed horrifying testimonies of professors in Spanish, British, Canadian, Argentinian and Brazilian universities who were victims of unbearable harassment before the silence of their institutions, the loss of academic posts and even the dismissal as a reaction of the academic authorities, surrendered to the intellectual orthodoxy of a student body that prevents, for example, to define “woman” as an adult human female or to condemn the sexual and reproductive exploitation of women.
The Spanish Feminist Movement, organised and represented by tens of organisations from all over the country, firmly condemns this ideological and political persecution and demands that the academic and political, autonomous and state authorities put an immediate and unambiguous end to this situation, out of scientific coherence and their declared commitment to democracy and equality policies.
Additionally, we demand that the harm caused to the image and academic integrity of the professor Juana Gallego be repaired in the institution to which she belongs and the restoration of the climate of plurality, personal respect and intellectual debate that is essential to build and transmit knowledge and to contribute to the improvement of society.